Tuesday, February 28, 2012

mother's day mini sessions | caitlin elizabeth photography | hampton roads family photographer

you read correctly :) ROUND 2 of caitlin elizabeth photography minisessions is coming your way! this time in honor of MOTHER'S DAY i'm offering MOTHER'S DAY MINI SESSIONS 
(not ON mother's day, silly, FOR mother's day ;)

mamas: this is the perfect opportunity to give yourself the gift of PICTURES - of you, of your children, of you & your children, of you and YOUR mama (you get my drift... the possibilities are endless!)
daddys: have you been wondering what in the world to get those lovely mamas in your life? well, why not round up those children and get a picture taken of them?  or what about pictures of you and your darlin?
kids: my mama always wanted pictures of us and we ALWAYS went to stuffy studios... looking back i WISH we could've given mama some sweet, simple photographs taken on this SUH-WEET couch ;) 

(couples and individual portrait slots are also available, but limited - contact caitlin quickly to get your preferred time slot booked)

what you get:
- that green couch ;)
- up to 25 minutes of quality time with me and my camera
- a cd with up to 10 high resolution, edited images including print release 
(you can print your images, but no editing/altering is allowed! i will also provide you a cd with images for internet sharing!)
- time/date reserved upon payment
- location disclosed upon receipt of payment
- once payment is made no refund is available, but the full amount can be put toward 
your next session with caitlin elizabeth photography

for more information or specific questions of what you want your mini session to entail (or to BOOK YOUR SESSION DATE/TIME), contact caitlin directly: caitlin@caitlinelizabethphotography.com

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